Solutions for corrosion issuesCompact, effective and environmentally friendly.

Hydrogen sulfide is the result of oxygen-depleted degradation processes and is the main component of the unpleasant odour. It also attacks the fabric of the sewer and, over time, can destroy it. This is due the microbially induced corrosion (MIC) caused by hydrogen sulfide which attacks concrete and steel. Ventilating the sewer system can really put the brakes on this process while simultaneously reducing odour emissions.

Street filters

Hybrid activated carbon filters to provide an effective odour barrier to organic compounds in all common sewer manholes. Available for street sewers and gullies.

Street sewer filters

Stop odour emissions from all common sewer manholes.

Street drain filters

Filter malodorous gases while simultaneously permitting street water drainage.

Multi-chamber filters

Heavy-duty solution in areas with severe odour nuisances. A modular structure allows it to be tailored to requirements.

coalsi Mehrfachkammerfilter
Multi-chamber filters

Applications include any industrial plants with moderate gas emissions (e.g. paper mills or refineries).


Heavy-duty powerhouse for particularly severe odour nuisances.


This high-performance filter is used not only for pumping stations, transfer points or sewer manholes, but also for untreated contaminated gases in industry.


End-of-pipe filter for normal odour nuisances.

coalsi Produkt Polylok

Applications include any pipe ends (e.g. private sewage treatment plants, settling tanks or roof vents).